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The only way of salvation for the faithful and the doctrine of the Church is a categorical refusal to accept the Reform. Hence it is impossible for any informed and loyal Catholic to embrace this Reform or submit himself to it in any way whatsoever. It begins in heresy and ends in heresy even if not all its acts are formally heretical. To the new Mass there corresponds a new catechism, a new priesthood, new seminaries, new universities, the charismatic and Pentecostal Church–all opposed to orthodoxy and to the age-old magisterium of the Church.īorn of liberalism and modernism, this Reform is poisoned through and through. It is not possible profoundly to modify the “lex orandi” without modifying the “lex credendi”. Is not that what the Holy Father is telling us again today? And if there appears to be a certain contradiction between his words and his deeds as in the acts of the dicasteries, we abide by what has always been taught and turn a deaf ear to the Church’s destructive innovations. Paul, “though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Galatians I. No authority, not even the highest in the hierarchy, can force us to abandon or diminish our Catholic Faith, clearly laid down and professed by the magisterium of the Church for nineteen hundred years.

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On the other hand we refuse and have always refused to follow the Rome of the neo-Protestant trend clearly manifested throughout Vatican Council II and, later, in all the reforms born of it.Īll these reforms have contributed and are still contributing to the destruction of the Church, the ruin of the Priesthood, the abolishing of the Sacrifice of the Mass and of the Sacraments, the disappearance of the religious life, to naturalist and Teilhardian teaching in the universities, seminaries and catechetics, a teaching born of liberalism and Protestantism and often condemned by the solemn magisterium of the Church. We cleave, with all our heart and with all our soul, to Catholic Rome, the guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary for the maintenance of that Faith and to eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth. If you want to stay healthy, we must not go with them” (Conference at Écône, September 9, 1988, cited in Fideliter, 66, p. They now have ‘spiritual AIDS’, contagious diseases. If we move away from these people, it is absolutely the same as with people with AIDS.

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Lefebvre preferred to stay clear of this Modernist hierarchy with its false “unity of communion” saying: “To leave, then, the official Church? To some extent, yes, of course! If the bishops are in heresy, it is necessary to leave this environment of the bishops if one does not want to lose his soul. Calmel goes on to say that if it ever happens that the Pope is so deficient in his office as to promote heresy and schism, then it is better to obey Christ and remain faithful to the Church of all time, even if this means enduring the wrath of the current authorities. Roger-Thomas Calmel, OP, About The Church and the Pope, in Itineraires 173, May, 1973, p. “The Church is not the Mystical Body ‘of the Pope’, but of Christ!” (Fr. Lefebvre with an illegal excommunication while at the same time “tolerantly” receiving the pagan ritual-mark of Shiva on his forehead! Indeed, Liberals are tolerant with errors but intolerant when it comes to Truth and Catholics faithful to Tradition! Then Pope John Paul II followed suit, by “intolerantly” punishing Abp. Lefebvre, while at the same time “tolerantly” prostrating himself before a schismatic orthodox bishop. Pope Paul VI did the same by “intolerantly” leveling a phony suspension on Abp. Pachamama) in the name of Vatican II’s teaching on “inculturation ” he tolerates Protestantism, divorce, sodomy, Modernism and just about every evil under the sun! But with Traditional Catholic people he is absolutely intolerant, calling them “backward,” “obstacle to the progress of Vatican II,” “blind bats,” and his favorite, “rigid.” He shuts down “conservative” Novus Ordo religious houses and seminaries adopting the Latin Mass and punishes outspoken “conservative” Novus Ordo bishops.

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But with Liberals, as an example, we can just look at Pope Francis who is tolerant of pagan idols (e.g.

Sspx australia